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PSO Monitoring Extreme Cold Weather Forecast Tips for Customers

Report Leased Light Problem

Thanks for helping us identify issues with street lights. Please use the form below to begin the process.

First, is this request about a light you pay for?

Safety Hazard Conditions

A safety hazard is a condition that poses an immediate risk to the public, and can include:

  • Downed wires that may be sparking or near water
  • Trees that have fallen on power lines

Never go near or touch a power line.

Report A Safety Hazard

Letting us know about safety hazards helps prevent phone lines from becoming overloaded and helps us prioritize work.

Call our Customer Operations Center immediately at 833.776.6884 or 833.PSO.OUTG (available 24 hours).

Have an Outage Question?

Visit our frequently asked questions page or the outages overview for ways to stay in the loop even when the power goes out.

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