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PSO Monitoring Extreme Cold Weather Forecast Tips for Customers


Improve efficiency, productivity, safety and quality by converting your equipment and processes from coal, gas and oil to electricity.

Transform Your Operations With Electricity

Demands to reduce carbon emissions, while lowering costs and enhancing operations, drive consumers to aggressively switch from burning coal, gas and oil to electricity. Manufacturers as well as commercial, governmental and institutional organizations can optimize operations through energy conversion.

Discover Industrial Electrification

Advances in generation, transmission and storage along with motor and equipment technologies make electricity the cost-saving choice for industrial operations and transportation as well as heating and cooling in a wide range of applications. You can electrify just about anything. Discover some of the common processes and machines that we've seen electrified.

Electric Forklifts

Switch from propane or diesel fueled forklifts to electric forklifts, which run longer, lift more, and lower lifecycle costs. Fuel costs can be up to 80 percent lower for those who switch to electricity as their “fuel”. And electric forklifts cost 40 percent less to maintain. Estimate how much energy conversion can reduce your costs with our electric forklift calculator.

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Electric Cars

The cost to charge and maintain an electric car is about one-third the cost to fuel a gas-powered car - and even less with off-peak charging. Whether you're looking to electrify your fleet or to provide charging opportunities for employees and customers we're your trusted partner in helping you bring EV charging to your business.

Electric Infrared Curing

Infrared (IR) curing is increasingly becoming the preferred technology for curers. Why? Electric IR curing is 100 percent faster than gas convection curing, far more energy-efficient, and can control a tighter temperature range. Pair that with a smaller footprint and no emissions and electric IR curing becomes the obvious choice for your operation.

Explore the paybacks of electric IR curing

Electric Induction Heating

Electric induction heating is changing the entire surface treatment process. By heating the metal directly, rather than an oven, the process is faster, more precise - within 1° - and far more efficient. And most importantly, the annual costs of electric induction heating can be up to 80 percent lower than gas furnaces. Heat up to 10 times faster than convention ovens and eliminate emissions by converting to electric induction heating. Dive into the process and discover the benefits of electric induction heating with our Energy Conversion Hub.

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Electric Natural Gas Pipeline Compressors

Today's pipelines are forced to navigate uneven terrain and zigzag populated areas. Growing demands on these systems require advanced technologies. Electric pipeline compressors are stepping up to the plate with more sustained pressure, a smaller footprint and location flexibility. And while implementing a new station can be a large investment, you can realize a return on your investment based on fuel savings alone in just one to three years.

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Other Technologies Using Energy Conversion

Energy conversion is far from limited to these popular applications. Switching your equipment and processes to electricity saves costs and implements advanced technologies that can improve the quality, efficiency and safety in other applications such as:

  • Arc furnaces
  • Boilers and HVAC
  • Car charging
  • Heavy-duty vehicles
  • Microwave and RF processing

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