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Cold weather tips that can help keep you and your family safe.

January 4, 2024


Cold Weather Safety


  • Take extreme care when using a space heater. Place it at least three feet away from anything that can burn, including walls, and unplug it before you leave the room.
  • Never use a stove or oven to heat your home.
  • If you’re using a fireplace, use a glass or metal fire screen. Be sure it’s large enough to catch sparks or rolling logs.
  • Use generators correctly – never operate one inside your home, including the basement or garage. If you use a generator, please follow the manufacturer’s operating instructions. Do not operate the unit indoors. Connect appliances directly to the generator’s electric outlets…not to the main electrical panel of your home or business unless you have had an electric load transfer switch installed to isolate your home’s wiring from PSO’s electric system. Otherwise, you jeopardize the safety of utility workers.
  • Guard against carbon monoxide poisoning. Make sure you have smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and that they are working properly and have fresh batteries.
  • Prevent your pipes from freezing by running a constant trickle of water. Open the kitchen and bathroom cabinets to allow warmer air to circulate around the plumbing.
  • Be aware of downed power lines, which can be hidden by snow, sleet or ice. For safety’s sake, assume that any downed utility line is energized with deadly electric current. Stay away from the line and do not touch it with anything. Report it to PSO at 1-833-PSO-OUTG (1-833-776-6884).



How to report, track outages

  • Use the mobile app, available for download at http://www.psoklahoma.com/App or via the App Store or Google Play.
  • Visit PSOklahoma.com/OutageMap to find detailed information without logging into your account.
  • Sign up for text and email updates, including estimated time of restoration, at https://psoklahoma.com/account/alerts/.
  • Call 1-833-776-6884 to report your outage. For updates and photos, follow @PSOklahoma on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and NextDoor.

Need some tips to become an energy winner this winter?  Warm up to these 5 low- and no-cost winter savings tips.

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