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PSO recently made a donation to CASA of Northeast Oklahoma through their AEP Foundation Social and Racial Justice Grant program

April 22, 2022

PSO recently made a donation to CASA of Northeast Oklahoma through their AEP (American Electric Power) Foundation Social and Racial Justice Grant program. The funds will be used to fund and support a new enhanced background screening and fingerprinting for volunteers and staff. It allows CASA to know, without a doubt, that the individuals who are working with children are suitable to interact with them. "It is very gratifying for PSO to make this donation to CASA that will have a direct impact of some our most vulnerable citizens, our children," said Michael Gordon, External Affairs Manager, Public Service Company of Oklahoma. "This support will make a direct impact on the lives of children, who through no fault of their own, find themselves in the dependency court and foster care system," said Henderson. For information about CASA of Northeast Oklahoma, visit www.casaneok.org

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