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PSO update regarding temporary customer outages in some areas in response to an emergency alert from the Southwest Power Pool

February 15, 2021

TULSA, Okla. (February 15, 2021) – Public Service Company of Oklahoma (PSO) is calling on customers to reduce energy use after receiving notice this morning of an Energy Emergency Alert Level 3 (EEA L3) from the Southwest Power Pool (SPP).  In emergency situations, SPP may require utilities in the region, including PSO, to initiate a series of planned outages to prevent widespread, lengthy outages.

  While PSO was requested to initiate planned outages for some customers this morning, that request has been put on hold and all customers have been restored.  With extreme cold conditions forecast for the next several days, the region’s energy supply may continue to tighten over the next several days.  Should another temporary interruption of power be required, customers should be prepared to be without power for approximately two hours.  PSO will make every attempt to provide advance notice to specific areas, alerting customers of the possibility of controlled outages.   

The company stresses that customers should use energy needed for personal safety and to protect against property damage but minor adjustments to thermostats and other measures can make a significant difference to the system.  Cold weather safety tips can be found on the PSO website with energy savings tips.

 The company also requests that all emergent outages be reported through the website or through the mobile app. If there are emergent outages to report, please be prepared for longer than usual wait times.  PSO appreciates our customers and their willingness and patience during this emergency. 


About Public Service Company of Oklahoma (PSO)

PSO, a unit of American Electric Power (Nasdaq: AEP), is an electric utility company serving more than 562,000 customer accounts in eastern and southwestern Oklahoma.  Based in Tulsa, PSO has approximately 3,800 megawatts of generating capacity fueled primarily by natural gas.  It also maintains and operates more than 22,000 miles of distribution lines and 3,700 miles of transmission lines, and is one of the largest distributors of wind energy in the state.  Find news releases and other information at www.PSOklahoma.com.  Connect with us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @PSOklahoma.

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